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Iris Lucidarme
Co-fondatrice / Co-founder - Néogusto - France
Iris Lucidarme, diplômée en droit international, a vécu en France, en Espagne, au Canada, en Colombie et au Mexique. Après différentes expériences dans le secteur du tourisme, elle s'est associée à Anne Giffard pour co-fonder l'agence Néogusto. Le duo y développe une offre de voyages innovante aux 4 coins du monde destinée à des voyageurs épicuriens ayant envie de s’immerger dans la culture locale et de découvrir la gastronomie du pays.
Iris Lucidarme, a graduate in international law, has lived in France, Spain, Canada, Colombia and Mexico. After various experiences in the tourism sector, she joined forces with Anne Giffard to co-found the Néogusto agency. The duo is developing an innovative range of trips to the 4 corners of the world, aimed at epicurean travelers keen to immerse themselves in local culture and discover the country's gastronomy.
Iris Lucidarme, a graduate in international law, has lived in France, Spain, Canada, Colombia and Mexico. After various experiences in the tourism sector, she joined forces with Anne Giffard to co-found the Néogusto agency. The duo is developing an innovative range of trips to the 4 corners of the world, aimed at epicurean travelers keen to immerse themselves in local culture and discover the country's gastronomy.