The Language and Culture Institute is a centre of excellence in language training and cultural activities and founded in 2010 by MSB. Our primary objective is to encourage cross cultural awareness thereby promoting an understanding and bringing together of people from all over the world. By choosing LCI you will embark on a unique and stimulating learning experience. Our long standing expertise, cuttingedge pedagogical methods, and dedicated staff will make this choice your key to the future.
SMU Foundation
SMU Foundation is a Tunisian non-profit association founded in 2018 by the South Mediterranean University (SMU-Group MSB, MedTech and LCI). Its aim is to promote and support the development of youth through the funding of student scholarships, research projects as well as employability and capacity building programs. Our objective is to open our programs to the community and to as many people as possible. Therefore, we have developed a rigorous selection process to make our programs accessible to the most deserving candidates, while offering equal opportunities to all. SMU Foundation offers 3 types of scholarships to outstanding students who are active and invested in extracurricular activities: The Excellence Scholarship (It covers from 25%, 50% to 100% of tuition fees), the Equality Scholarship (a fully funded scholarship based on the financial and geographical situations) and Diversity Scholarship (It covers 30% of tuition fees).  
SMU Incubator
The SMU Incubator present first appeared in September 2019 in order to respond to the community of Leaders of South Mediterranean University (MSB & MedTech). In fact, driven by the spirit of Innovation in a rich entrepreneurial ecosystem, 10% of our students and Alumni are "young women and young men" Pioneers of change and creators of values. Rich in its faculty, skills and experience, South Mediterranean University has chosen to support its ambitious talents, and project leaders. <br><br> [Web Site](https://www.smu.tn/msb/service/smu-incubator)<br><br> **If you have:**<br><br> - Innovative and scalable idea.<br><br> - Functional prototype.<br><br> - Dedicated founder or co-founder.<br><br> - And ready to jump.<br><br> **Discover the benefits of the best workplace environment.**<br><br> - Be ready for potential investments.<br><br> - Get your very first client.<br><br> - Matchmake with world class mentors.<br><br> - Get certified entrepreneurship skills.<br><br> - Benefit from SMU international exposure.<br><br> Click [**Here**](https://forms.office.com/r/iJCYJXpzx2) to register<br><br> Don’t miss this incredible opportunity. Seize the moment, Seize the success!!<br><br> #SMUIncubator#Entrepreneurship#Innovation#StartupSuccess<br><br> 
<b>1- Our story: </b><br> The Mediterranean School of Business (MSB) was the first school of the South Mediterranean University (SMU) to be founded. Capitalizing on the rapid pace of technological changes and the growing need of executives for programs to upgrade their managerial skills, MSB started its activities in 2004 by organizing a part-time Executive MBA (EMBA) in a rented space and taught by professors from top-ranked business schools (MIT, The University of Chicago, The University of Maryland, and others). The first cohort of EMBA consisted of 43 Executives from different economic sectors and nationalities. The program counts today over 900 alumni from 37 different nationalities. In 2011, MSB launched its undergraduate and Master's programs. Today, over 1000 students are enrolled in these programs that are internationally accredited respectively by the Brussels- based EFMD and the London-based AMBA. MSB has also been cited as a model for Business Schools in Africa by a special edition of the Financial Times and is among the top 3 business schools in the 2020 Jeune Afrique Ranking. <br> The SMU School of Engineering (Mediterranean Institute of Technology - MedTech) was launched in 2014, offering programs in software, computer systems, and renewable energy engineering. Today, MedTech has some 300 students enrolled in its different programs and has engaged in the ABET accreditation. <br> The SMU Language and Culture Institute (LCI) offers programs in five languages (English, French, Italian, German, and Chinese). In addition, LCI organizes short-term programs for North American students in the framework of Study Abroad Programs (SAP). SMU institutions have developed partnerships with prominent North American and European universities for the exchange of students and the organization of joint programs. Its growth strategy includes the development of other specialized schools and the opening of campuses in Algeria, Libya, and Ivory Coast. <br> <b>2- Accreditations :</b> <br> At SMU, we go beyond the national accreditation, aiming to be a reference in the region; we are proud to hold both the AMBA and EPAS Accreditations in addition to the CFA Affiliation and ABET <br> - <b>AMBA ACCREDITATION</b><br> MSB is proud to have: <b> - The only Master's in Business Management (MBM) program in Africa accredited by the London-based Association of MBA’s (AMBA).<br> - The only Executive Master's in Business Administration (EMBA) program in Tunisia and among a few in Africa accredited by the London-based Association of MBA’s (AMBA).<br> - <b>EFMD ACCREDITTATION</b><br> MSB is proud to have: the only Undergraduate Program (Licence) in Tunisia, the second in North Africa, and the third in Africa accredited by EPAS. <br> - <b>CFA INSTITUTE AFFILIATION</b><br> MSB’s MBM & UPM in Finance has been the second program in North Africa to be acknowledged as incorporating at least 70 percent of the CFA® Program Candidate Body of Knowledge and preparing students to sit for the CFA® examinations.<br> MedTech joins an elite group of prestigious engineering school worldwide and becomes ABET accredited.<br> - <b>ABET ACCREDITTATION</b><br> ABET accreditation, the ‘’gold star’’ accreditation for engineering education, ensures that programs meet standards to produce graduates ready to enter technical fields that are leading the way in innovation and emerging technologies. All MedTech engineering programs are ABET-accredited - Software Engineering<br> - Renewable Energy<br> - Computer Systems Engineering
Basée sur Tunis , Agence RPMS est une agence de communication qui se démarque par sa créativité et sa réactivité très appréciées des clients. Nous proposons des solutions graphiques, modernes, adaptées aux besoins des entreprises afin de les aider à occuper rapidement une place de leader !<br> Notre équipe de créatifs est spécialisée dans la création de site internet, le packaging et le graphisme pour tous vos imprimés.<br> Notre mission est d’imaginer, de réaliser, et de promouvoir des projets innovants et créatifs pour nos clients afin qu’ils puissent développer leur clientèle et devenir incontournables ! <br> Notre agence est spécialisée dans les domaines suivants :<br> - CONSEIL EN COMMUNICATION<br> - GRAPHISME ET PUBLICITÉ<br> - DÉVELOPPEMENT WEB
L’Agence Nationale pour l’Emploi et le Travail Indépendant est un établissement public à caractère non administratif doté de la personnalité civile et de l’autonomie administrative et financière. Elle a été créée en vertu de la loi n° 93-11 du 17/02/93 et est placée sous la tutelle du Ministère de la Formation Professionnelle et de l’Emploi. Elle a pour principale mission la mise en œuvre de la politique du gouvernement relative à la promotion de l’emploi et est chargée notamment :<br> D’animer le marché de l’emploi, au niveau national, régional, local et sectoriel au moyen notamment du réseau des bureaux de l’emploi et du travail indépendant de développer l’information sur l’emploi et les qualifications professionnelles en direction des entreprises et des demandeurs d’emploi de mettre en œuvre les programmes de promotion de l’emploi et d’insertion des jeunes, dont la réalisation lui est confiée par l’autorité de tutelle d’apporter le soutien nécessaire à la promotion des petites entreprises et de l’emploi indépendant d’assurer l’information et l’orientation professionnelles des demandeurs de formation en vue de leur insertion dans la vie active d’organiser les opérations de placement de la main d’œuvre tunisienne à l’étranger et de veiller à leur réalisation de faciliter la réinsertion dans l’économie nationale des travailleurs émigrés après leur retour définitif. <br> Les prestations de l’Agence Nationale pour l’Emploi et le Travail Indépendant s’adressent essentiellement : <br> - aux personnes à la recherche d’un emploi<br> - aux porteurs de projets cherchant à s’installer à leur propre compte <br> - aux jeunes à la recherche d’une formation professionnelle <br> - aux entreprises cherchant à satisfaire leurs besoins en ressources humaines .
WiseVision technologies is a startup that provides ai solutions for retail Utilizing the power of computer vision , forecasting and NLP we give you a tour in your store while you are at your desk
A Tunisian brand which brings together two noble materials: wood & leather; A handmade product introducing naturalness into our daily life while merging authenticity & modern style in the consumer retailing field
EY est un des leaders mondiaux de l’audit, du conseil, de la fiscalité et du droit, des transactions. Partout dans le monde, notre expertise et la qualité de nos services contribuent à créer les conditions de la confiance dans l'économie et les marchés financiers. Nous faisons grandir les talents afin qu'ensemble, ils accompagnent les organisations vers une croissance pérenne. C’est ainsi que nous jouons un rôle actif dans la construction d'un monde plus juste et plus équilibré pour nos équipes.
With offices in 152 countries and almost 328,000 people, we are among the leading professional services networks in the world. We help organizations and individuals create the value they are looking for, by delivering quality in Assurance, Tax, &Advisory services. Some facts about PwC: - In FY22, PwC firms provided services to 84% of the Global Fortune 500 companies - 148,822 people joined PwC firms around the world in FY22 - For the year ending 30 June 2022, PwC’s gross revenues were US$50.3B.
Manpower Tunisie
Nous faisons partie des leaders mondiaux des services dans le domaine de l'emploi. et offrons à nos clients des solutions leur permettant de tirer le meilleur parti des évolutions du monde du travail. <br/> Nous proposons des solutions innovantes pour aider les individus et les entreprises à travailler ensemble, afin de gagner et de progresser ensemble. <br/> Nous sommes experts dans les domaines : de l’intérim, du recrutement, de l'évaluation des compétences et la formation professionnelle. Ainsi que l'externalisation, l'outplacement et le conseil.  
MAZAM is a pioneering projects & programs design and implementation agency based in Tunisia since 2011 focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation. MAZAM was created to meet a growing need for support for early stage startups in Tunisia. Over the past decade, MAZAM implemented impactful programs in various sectors, both locally and internationally (Congo, Libya, Mauritania, Egypt, Tajikistan) showcasing adaptability and expertise. Today, MAZAM acts as a catalyst for emerging startup ecosystems in Africa and the Middle East. We are convinced that innovation is a key driver of economic growth and sustainable development and our research-driven approach empowers us to tailor programs and projects to the emerging startup ecosystems' needs.
Attijari bank
1st banking and financial group in the Maghreb present in 26 countries: in Africa, Europe and Asia and has 10.8 million customers and 5,835 agencies . Thanks to the support of the Group, Attijari bank Tunisia supports its clients in their international development, particularly in Africa.
QNB Tunisia was launched in 2013 following the acquisition of 99.96% of the Tunisian Qatari Banks’s stakes by the QNB Group. This acquisition came to underpin the Group’s development strategy and QNB brand’s image at the international level. <br> As a local subsidiary of QNB Group, QNB Tunisia is an international financial institution with a capital of TND 644 million. The bank is operating with over 400 employees serving more than 25 000 customers (Retail and Corporate) through 29 branches and 38 ATMs.<br> QNB Tunisia currently covers 11 governorates in Tunisia through 29 branches, including two branches for QNB First premium clients at Mohamed V Avenue in Tunis and Sousse; in addition to 3 other "corporate" branches in Tunis, Hammam Sousse and Sfax, as well as 3 foreign exchange offices: in Tunis Carthage and Djerba-Zarzis airports.<br> QNB Group has a strong Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy that aims to promote prosperity and sustainable growth across the markets it serves. As a subsidiary of QNB Group, QNB Tunisia has continued to consolidate its social role through activities in the Tunisian market since 2013. QNB Tunisia CSR programme is large and diverse. We successfully have realized many events in various fields such as culture, arts, health, environment, economic and international affairs, social and humanitarian activities<br> 
Since its creation in 1994, ARGANIA has become the partner of choice in the fields of Beauty, Care and Hygiene in Tunisia.<br><br> The most prestigious multinationals have trusted ARGANIA for its ability to offer a turnkey service: from import and direct distribution, to communication and promotion of products to the Tunisian consumer.<br> ARGANIA counts more than 300 employees spread over 4 Divisions:<br> • General Public <br> • Pharmacy <br> • Selective Perfumery <br> • Institutes and Spas <br> 
Created in 1976, BIAT - Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie is today the country's leading bank and ranks first on many indicators.<br> BIAT - universal bank , has developed all banking activities and constitutes a banking group with its subsidiaries in the fields of insurance, asset management, private equity or stock market intermediation.<br> Supporting its development on proximity and societal commitment, BIAT puts its expertise and solidity to the benefit of its customers and the Tunisian economy.<br><br> Its organization, which reflects its diversification strategy, offers a clear reading of its main businesses. The completeness of the BIAT Group's businesses and its organization make it possible to develop effective synergies and a relevant and complete offer for all of its customers: individuals, including Tunisians living abroad, professionals, SMEs, large companies and institutions. Established throughout the territory, BIAT has 206 agencies at the end of 2021, throughout Tunisia.<br><br> Listed on the Tunis Stock Exchange, BIAT is a company with Tunisian capital. A key shareholder, the Mabrouk Group entered the capital of the Bank in 2005 and has held 40% since 2007.
At Linedata, we know that the banking and financial system is essential, as vital to society as energy is to life, fueling financial transformation is vital to development and leadership.<br><br> To help people comply with financial regulation, to operate data and manage strategic plan developments, to support companies' efficiency and profitability so that they fully dedicate themselves to their core business, to empower growth, wealth and leadership, to anticipate and master transformation in an ever-changing world, we humanize technology. Because we are independent, trustworthy, approachable and committed, because our teams are close, attentive, caring and passionate, because our experts are specialists, partners and responsive, we excel ourselves to deliver global solutions for leadership.
Founded in 1978, OneTech group is a global industrial player dedicated to engineering and manufacturing and operating in the automotive, energy and industrial sectors. Our core business is built around cables, mechatronics and ICT We are one of the first leading integrators in IT and Telecom solutions in Tunisia. OTBS is a subsidiary of the One Tech Group, a major industrial player in the Maghreb present in the automotive, energy and telecommunications markets, through the cable, electronics and ICT sectors. We assist our clients in their digital transformation with a complete offering that goes from consulting to the implementation and operation of tailor-made solutions.
We are your transportation and logistics partner on the Mediterranean coasts. Vectorys is a multinational group specializing in logistics and transportation between Europe and North Africa, and vice versa. Our main routes serve Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Malta. We specialize in the transportation of industrial goods, automotive, fashion, and general cargo. Additionally, we have a department exclusively dedicated to agrofood transportation." We are able to ensure fast and efficient deliveries through our fleet of 1450 trailers. Furthermore, we have a storage space of 27,000 square meters to securely store our clients' products.
CHO Group
GROUPE CHO is a renowned olive growing group that has built its success on values that combine modernity and respect for agricultural traditions. Thanks to its integrated structure (horizontal integration and vertical integration), the CHO GROUP has a strong presence in the olive oil sector in Tunisia and around the world. Its know-how makes it a renowned group and a reliable partner that has made its way and developed a lasting relationship with the largest global operators in the field of olive oil. CHO GROUP is specialized in : Le GROUPE CHO est spécialisé dans : ⦁ The production of all types of olive oil ⦁ Agriculture ⦁ Installation and maintenance of cold extraction units and modern oil mills ⦁ Extraction, analysis and storage of different varieties of olive oil and olive pomace ⦁ Refining olive and olive-pomace oils ⦁ Bottling and packaging of olive oils in different packaging ⦁ The production of cosmetics and olive oil-based soaps ⦁ The production of green charcoal from olive pomace
Founded in 2004, axefinance is managed by credit and risk management experts with more than 20 years of experience in the banking software and risk management sectors. Axefinance provides ACP (Axe Credit Portal), an end-to-end powerful loan origination Software helping financial institutions to more effectively manage the credit life cycle, optimize firm-wide credit and risk processes, and enable better-informed credit origination and risk management decisions. With more than 40000 users in 29 countries, axefinance is focused on credit process automation for all segments (retail, corporate, microfinance, institutional, Islamic…) delivering tailor-made solutions with real and measurable value.
With over 40 years experience, Générale Tunisienne de l’Informatique is a major player in the field of software and IT services for financial institutions. Our solutions play a key role in enabling many renowned banking institutions to improve their operational efficiency, agility and responsiveness to business challenges. Over the years, GTI has been committed to investing significantly in new technologies and constantly upgrading its services to keep pace with the rapidly evolving technology market.
be-softilys Tunisia is part of the be-ys brand, specializing in the field of software development and focusing on the industrialization of software development in accordance with widely recognized methodologies such as agility/Scrum/Safe® and the most innovative technologies to ensure futuristic and high-performance solutions.<br> At the core of digital transformation and data governance, be-softilys creates innovative products to meet the new European requirements surrounding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The company offers solutions for digital trust and the management of sensitive data
Sisal is one of the main international operators in the regulated gaming sector and is currently active in Italy, Morocco and Turkey, with an offer that includes lotteries, betting, online games and entertainment machines. The Company operates internationally in the retail channel through a network of over 47,000 points of sale, and in the online channel with 1.8 million consumers.<br><br> Sisal's strategy is based on three pillars: sustainability , with a constant commitment to the development of the Responsible Gaming program and through the offer of a safe and transparent entertainment model - digital innovation , thanks to the cutting-edge gaming platform oriented towards omnichannel and skills for the in-house development of software and applications to seize the opportunities of the digital transition - internationalisation , with the aim of winning tenders for new concessions abroad on the basis of the solid expertise gained.<br><br> Since 4 August 2022, Sisal has been part of Flutter Entertainment plc , the largest online gaming and betting operator in the world, with a portfolio of globally recognized brands and listed on the London Stock Exchange in the FTSE index.
TTR (Transport and Logistics) is a leading company in the international transport sector, specialising in the efficient management of the transport of goods on a global scale. With many years of experience, TTR has built a solid reputation as a reliable partner for companies looking to move goods across continents with a constant focus on time, cost and safety.
Depuis 1987, TMI aide ses clients à répondre aux enjeux technologiques de leurs entreprises d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Forte de cette expérience et de son savoir-faire acquis au fil des années, TMI assiste ses clients tout au long du cycle de vie de leur informatique : De la définition du besoin, à l’intégration de la solution jusqu’à la formation des équipes client
AfricInvest was founded in the early 1990s, an investment and financial services company. Uniquely positioned as one of the most experienced private equity investors on the continent, AfricInvest has dedicated investment teams focused on Africa, and employs more than 100 professionals in eleven offices. AfricInvest raised over USD 2 bn across 21 funds and benefits from strong, long-term support from both local and international investors, including leading development finance institutions in the United States and Europe. Having co-founded the African Venture Capital Association (AVCA) as well as the Global Private Capital Association (GPCA) and the Euromed Capital Forum, the firm is an active promotor of the private equity industry in the region. Since the beginning, AfricInvest has invested in more than 200 companies across 35 African countries in a variety of high growth sectors and maintains a broad network of high-quality executives across Africa, offering extensive expertise in key growth industries, including financial services, agribusiness, consumer/retail, education and healthcare
Mazars est un cabinet international d'audit, de fiscalité et de conseil de premier plan, qui aspire à construire les fondations économiques d'un monde juste et prospère. Mazars opère en tant que partenariat uni, travaillant comme une seule équipe intégrée, tirant parti de son expertise, de son envergure et de sa compréhension culturelle pour offrir des services exceptionnels et sur mesure en matière d'audit et de comptabilité, ainsi que de fiscalité, de conseil financier, de consulting et de services juridiques*. Fondé en Europe, Mazars est présent dans plus de 95 pays et territoires, avec plus de 47 000 professionnels - plus de 30 000 dans notre partnership intégré, plus de 17 000 via l'Alliance Mazars North America - dédiés à aider leurs clients à tirer le meilleur parti des opportunités d'affaires et à opérer en toute confiance.